[Vtigercrm-developers] LDAP authentication in vtiger-5.0RC

Manilal K M libregeek at gmail.com
Wed Aug 23 05:16:00 PDT 2006

Hi all,
  I have tested the LDAP authentication module in vtiger-5.0RC. It seems
that the LDAP.php  and adLDAP.php are missing from the source. Also the
configuratiom parameters are not present in config.inc.php. It would be nice
if both these files are integrated to the source code.
Basically, if the authentication scheme is LDAP or AD, then the Password
field in the "Create New User" form is not required.(since the password is
already in the ldap database). I tried to create a patch for  the above but
failed because I'm not familiar with the vtiger-5 source code and moreover
I'm running short of time. If somebody could give some hints, then ofcourse
I can resolve it.

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