[Vtigercrm-developers] Error migrating vtiger 4.2.3 to 5 using migration wizard

Tim Smith smith.timsmith at gmail.com
Fri Aug 18 22:12:46 PDT 2006

The migration wizard probably doesn't work yet but I thought I would report
the error just in case.

I tried to use the migration wizard and got this error in a message box:
"The dump may not be applied correctly.  Tables exist in 4.2.3 database :
193.  Tables exist in current database after apply the dump : 0."

And guess what... I had 0 tables in my vtiger5 database.  Yep, all gone bye
bye.  Vtiger doesn't like it when there are no tables.

Depending on your point of view, there are one or two bugs:
1. Migration wizard shouldn't be able to leave you with an empty database.
(And how about warning the stupid user to back up their database?  :-> )
2. Vtiger should work with an empty database.

Now, before you flame me on #2 you must keep in mind that I am a sarcastic
bastage.  Personally, I would vote for #1.

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