[Vtigercrm-developers] postgres support in v5

Allan Bush allan.bush+vtiger_dev at gmail.com
Thu Apr 27 08:50:33 PDT 2006

Hi Richie,

To support Postgres there are about 3 or 4 things you need to consider
on all the queries made.  If you see my post in the forums
http://forums.vtiger.com/viewtopic.php?t=2597 I've outlined the
problems that need to be addressed (yes that's for a different version
but the problems will be the same, except for the first problem which
an adodb upgrade solved).

In order for Postgres support to be possible those issues need to be
addressed in the current code AND all developers must continue to
address them in all further code they write.  If I can be assured of
the second point I'll make the required changes once the code base is
somewhat stable and feature complete (I'm thinking between beta1 and


PS fyi how I go about finding and fixing these issues is I tweak
adodb's debugging ala ticket #69 and then install and use vtiger
fixing the database errors as I come across them

On 4/27/06, Richie <richie at vtiger.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> Agreed. We will support Postgres but we need help.
> Here, we are working on the bug-fixes and are totally
> swamped.
> All hands welcome for Postgres support.
> Richie
> ---- Jeff Kowalczyk<jtk at yahoo.com> wrote ----
>  Richie wrote:
> > I would like to know your views on supporting Postgres in vtiger CRM 5
> > GA please.
> I think there is consensus that postgresql support is important and that
> someone would step up to provide it. Alternatives to mysql for different
> reasons to different people: licensing, stability, management utilities,
> integration with other apps already in other backends, etc.
> But I'll suggest one reason that makes it an imperative to merge
> postgresql support, as in right now, before tagging vtigercrm-5.0.0beta1:
>  There is likely to be no reliable support for an end-user to migrate to
>  another database backend once you start using vtigercrm in production.
> Consider: is anyone preparing adodb migration code, or suggesting we rely
> on mysql<->postgresql dumpfile translators, for something as complex as a
> vtigercrm dataset that's been used in production on Mysql for several
> months. How many relational tables is vtigercrm now?
> Even if it can be coaxed from one dumpfile format to another, we don't
> have automated testing to tell for certain if the data integrity is
> preserved. One could conceivably go quite a while before noticing anything
> wrong with a converted dataset.
> I think that a sensible user will choose the database backend they prefer
> at the beginning of a deployment, and stick with it. Therefore, vtigercrm
> needs to support more backends sooner rather than later.
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