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<p>VPL = YFPL</p>
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<div>Z poważaniem / Regards</div>
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<div><strong>Błażej Pabiszczak</strong></div>
<div><em>Chief Executive Officer</em></div>
<div>M: +48.884999123<br />E: <a title="Mail do Błażej Pabiszczak" href="mailto:b.pabiszczak@yetiforce.com">b.pabiszczak@yetiforce.com</a></div>
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<p><span>YetiForce 3.0 LTS has arrived! </span><a href="https://gitdeveloper.yetiforce.com/" rel="noreferrer">Test</a><span> the latest, most innovative open source system in the world, and </span><a href="https://github.com/YetiForceCompany/YetiForceCRM" rel="noreferrer">join</a><span> our community.</span></p>
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<p>W dniu 2016-10-27 12:24, Conrado Maggi napisał(a):</p>
<blockquote type="cite" style="padding: 0 0.4em; border-left: #1010ff 2px solid; margin: 0"><!-- html ignored --><!-- head ignored --><!-- meta ignored -->
<p>Hello Blazej,</p>
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<div>I'm not a lawyer so please correct me if I'm wrong. Seems like Yetiforce license is not compatible with Vtiger license.</div>
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<div>Is this correct?<span></span></div>