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<div>Nor only nusoap</div><div><br></div><div>Related records, select records from popup services, products, etc.</div><div>Also, modules import not working.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div id="composer_signature"><div style="font-size:85%;color:#575757">Best Regards.</div><div style="font-size:85%;color:#575757"><br></div><div style="font-size:85%;color:#575757">Manuel</div></div><br><br>-------- Mensagem original --------<br>De : IT-Solutions4You <info@its4you.sk> <br>Data: 11/07/2016 13:43 (GMT+00:00) <br>Para: vtigercrm-developers@lists.vtigercrm.com <br>Assunto: Re: [Vtigercrm-developers] Vtiger CRM 6.5.0 GA Released <br><br>My question was: Is nusoap in vtiger 6.5 compatible with PHP7 ? Yes/No <br>You don't test PHP 7 compatibility ? You don't test one of Highlights <br>for vtiger 6.5. ;-)<br><br>Matus.<br><br>Dňa 11. 7. 2016 o 13:57 Prasad napísal(a):<br>> Please file the details of issue on code.vtiger.com <http://code.vtiger.com><br>><br>> --<br>> FB <http://www.facebook.com/vtiger> I Twit<br>> <http://twitter.com/vtigercrm> I LIn<br>> <https://www.linkedin.com/company/1270573?trk=tyah> I Blog<br>> <https://blogs.vtiger.com> I Website <https://www.vtiger.com/><br>><br>> On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 3:47 PM, IT-Solutions4You<br>> <info@its4you.sk<br>> <mailto:info@its4you.sk>> wrote:<br>><br>> Is nusoap in vtiger 6.5 compatible with PHP7 ? We have some issue<br>> with nusoap client in vtiger 6.5 and servers with PHP7 version so I<br>> want to ask before we will debug it if someone has check it.<br>><br>> Matus<br>> ITS4You<br>><br>><br>> Dňa 5. 7. 2016 o 11:18 Prasad napísal(a):<br>><br>> Dear members,<br>><br>> We are happy to announce the release of 6.5.0 GA. This release<br>> primarily<br>> comprises of contributions from the community. It closes 40+<br>> issues, and<br>> includes 45+ merge requests.<br>><br>> Highlights:<br>><br>> * Portal password encryption<br>> * PHP 7 compatibility<br>> * MySQL (STRICT_TRANS_TABLE) compatibility (default in 5.6.x)<br>><br>> We like to make special mention for security advisories who<br>> worked with<br>> us to close few gaps related to XSS, Authenticated file-upload<br>> vulnerabilities.<br>><br>> * Dennis of Dety<br>> * Tomotaka of JPCERT<br>> * Sebastian Haas of sebastianhaas.de <http://sebastianhaas.de><br>> <http://sebastianhaas.de><br>><br>> Thanks to all the community members for the active participation and<br>> playing major role in this release.<br>><br>> Please report issues or feedback at code.vtiger.com<br>> <http://code.vtiger.com> <http://code.vtiger.com><br>><br>> Regards,<br>> Prasad<br>> Vtiger Team<br>><br>><br>> _______________________________________________<br>> http://www.vtiger.com/<br>><br>><br>><br>> _______________________________________________<br>> http://www.vtiger.com/<br>><br>><br>><br>><br>> _______________________________________________<br>> http://www.vtiger.com/<br>><br><br><br>_______________________________________________<br>http://www.vtiger.com/</body></html>