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<div>I would like to make a request to see that the folder structure for vtiger is cleaned up</div>
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<div>Information now stored in files should only be stored in the database only</div>
<div>For example user profiles, group profiles, tabdata all should be stored in the DB.</div>
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<div>The ultimate aim is to restrict write access on folders down to absolute minimum I.E. </div>
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<div>Cached folder for transient data, which is to say all content can be deleted with no adverse side effects. </div>
<div>User content folders for install specific files such as logo’s product images etc..</div>
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<div>All other folders should be write protected. In our scenario Module folders would also be write protected as all modules are installed and tested in dev only</div>
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<div>Having site wide write access is a security issue. Folders with write access should be protected against scripts being run. Using apaches .htaccess file php and other scripts can be blocked.</div>
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