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Hi all,<br>
I have been doing a little work with blockly recently, which is a
visual jigsaw style tool for building things<br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://code.google.com/p/blockly/">https://code.google.com/p/blockly/</a><br>
and as a little experiment, I am writing a tool to generate vtlib
PHP code from blocks, the idea being that you have a palette of
things like modules/blocks/fields/filters and you drag them onto the
sheet and configure them, then it builds the corresponding PHP file
to run to create the module.<br>
It is at a fairly early stage, and was an idea to save me a bit of
typing when I had a bunch of modules to create and maintain (it
probably hasn't saved anything <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://xkcd.com/974/">http://xkcd.com/974/</a> ) and I thought
I would just throw it out there as a concept and see what people
think of it as an approach. If it turns out to be interesting I
think it could be packaged up as a vtiger module for creating
modules somehow.<br>
<img src="cid:part1.08020804.01090602@libertus.co.uk" alt=""><br>
let me know what you think<br>
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">--
Libertus Solutions
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://libertus.co.uk">http://libertus.co.uk</a></pre>