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Hello Alan,<BR>
Thanks for this proposal, please find my reply in the body below :<BR>
Le vendredi 20 juin 2014 à 09:14 +0100, Alan Lord a écrit :
On 20/06/14 08:28, mat wrote:
> Just to confirm/go further :
> - is it actually supported to handle duplicate records for those
> modules ?
> - if not, is it a planned feature or even already assigned ?
> - can I help in implementing it (somebody interested on the list) ?
If you have a reasonable amount of data to export/import and it were me,
I'd use a tool like Talend Open Studio [1] and build some ETL routines
externally to vtiger to cleanse and transform the data before importing.
We now do this quite a bit for customers and use the server API to write
records into the database rather than the user-import feature.
I have less than hundred invoices/quotes/salesorder.<BR>
I guess that it's not worth the TSO deployment effort plus the dev of ETL routines themselves.
User import is fine for "simple" imports but when you need to manipulate
de-dupe, cleanse etc... you could never have all the filters and
conversions you need in the vtiger import feature.
I agree with this but I am a bit reluctant to use a heavy-duty external tool for few entries :) <BR>
[1] <A HREF="http://www.talend.com/products/talend-open-studio">http://www.talend.com/products/talend-open-studio</A>
<A HREF="http://www.vtiger.com/">http://www.vtiger.com/</A>
In fact I think there might be confusion here, please let me clarify : <BR>
my data are clean (I've exported them with dedicated sql queries tweaked form invoice module code) and<BR>
with no dupe... or rather only legitimate/valid entries.<BR>
That said and as a side remark echoing my first mail : <BR>
in the first place, how come same invoice subject could be considered not legitimate and treated as dupe ?<BR>
Anyway Automerge can be circumvent and I could count on the import de-dupe mechanism itself that is already working great <BR>
for Leads via process step 3 as it look like. <BR>
So my bet would be that "enabling" it for the said modules should not be that hard. As an experienced dev, <BR>
I studied Lead/Invoice modules comparatively and import module, but frankly if I pinpointed where this de-dupe code is, still I was<BR>
not able to identify "calls" to it or rather (since everything is passed over in session var) as a starting point, <BR>
to localize where/what brings Step3 frame in the browser in the Lead module. <BR>
Any insight are highly welcomed :) <BR>
I am still rather keen on gaping what would IMHO appear as a missing feature (compared to Leads,Contacts) <BR>
on the said module that adding a external requirement for what is that I consider to be <BR>
a standard use case Export/Re-import (even if in my case I workaround migration issues) without any data transform.<BR>
Thanks for you input & feel free to elabore,<BR>