<div dir="ltr">RC ha many problems with a clean installation (not migration process) <div><br>1) dropdown list timezone is empty in user setup:<br>(module=Users&parent=Settings&view=UserSetup). <div>The problem is that vtiger_time_zone is empty.<br>
<br>2) clicking leads or organizations menu, you'll receive<br>Fatal error: Call to a member function getId() on a non-object in modules\Accounts\models\ListView.php on line 35<br>because is missing SMSNotifier module.<br>
<br>3) On user preferences, you'll receive<br> Fatal error: Call to a member function getPicklistValues() on a non-object in modules\Users\models\Record.php on line 485<br>because <br>$fieldModel = $stucturedValues['LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS'];<br>
LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS does not exist in user metadata<br><br>4) adding new SalesOrder:<br>Fatal error: Call to a member function isActive() on a non-object in modules\Inventory\views\Edit.php on line 134</div></div><div>because it Services module record in vtiger_tab is not present</div>
<div><br></div><div>5) Adding a new Product, Event.... you'll receive</div><div>Warning: array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given in test\templates_c\vlayout\854a35247556093c3cb61ca58fe21817a58d0002.file.Owner.tpl.php on line 54</div>
<div>resulting in an empty dropdown of assigned userid</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks in advance</div><div>Marco</div></div>