<div dir="ltr">Hi Team.<div><br clear="all"><div style> Is there anyway to restrict records based on <b>reports_to</b> field. The role structure :- <b>roleA </b>under that there is another role called <b>roleB. </b>And User :- <b>UserA1</b> and <b>UserA2</b>. Both of user using <b>RoleA. </b>There is two more users <b>UserB1</b> And <b>UserB2</b>. The <b>UserB1</b> is <b>reports_to </b>field set to <b>UserA1 </b>and<b> </b><b>UserB2</b> is <b>reports_to </b>field<b> </b>set to <b>UserA2</b>. and both of them using <b>RoleB.</b><br>
</div><div style> When a user log in to Application he/she can only access the records that reports to that user. Example <b>UserA1 </b> he can only access the records that created by <b>UserB1. </b></div><div style>
I think In current implantation of vTiger, <b>UserA2 </b> can see the<b> </b>records that created by <b>UserB1 </b>even if i set to reports_to field <b>UserA1</b></div><div style><br></div><div style><br></div><div style>
<b>Roles</b></div><div style>--------</div><div style>roleA<br></div><div style> roleB</div><div style><br></div><div style><b>User</b></div><div style>-----</div><div style>UserA1 using role RoleA<br></div><div style>
UserB1 using role roleB and reports_to filed set to UserA1</div><div style><div>UserA2 using role RoleA<br></div><div> UserB2 using role roleB and reports_to filed set to UserA2</div></div><div style><br></div>
<div style><br></div><div style>Thanks</div><div style>--</div><div style>Salim</div><br>