<div dir="ltr">Hi All,<div>I am using module specific query to get list in pop-up. i mean i am using this function in my vtlib module</div><div> <font face="courier new, monospace"> "public function getQueryByModuleField($sourceModule, $field, $record, $listQuery) {}"</font></div>
<div><div>Now i am trying to integrate that module with <b>VT6, </b>but it seems no call at all to this function.</div><div> I have added some IF conditions in this file <b>\vtiger6\modules\Vtiger\models\ListView.php </b>to solve my Problem. but its messy.<br>
</div><div><br></div><div>PS: Do i need to convert my modules to vtiger 6 specific to get call those function?, since i have checked Account Module Model and its working perfectly. If so can i get a skeleton module structure like we have in vtlib <b>ModuleDir\5.4.0 </b>.</div>
<div><br></div><div style>Thanks<br>--</div><div style>Salim<br>