<div dir="ltr">Stick it on GitHub. That's where I put all of our open source vtiger side projects, so they're easy to fork or watch. You can always link to the GitHub project page from the vtiger Forge page later.<br>
<br>On a related note, I guess I should request forge pages for our three vtiger side projects?<br><br><a href="https://github.com/MetricWise/puppet-vtigercrm">https://github.com/MetricWise/puppet-vtigercrm</a><br>Puppet module for vtiger CRM<br>
<br><a href="https://github.com/MetricWise/vtwsclib.NET">https://github.com/MetricWise/vtwsclib.NET</a><br>C#.NET client library for vtiger CRM web services<br><br><a href="https://github.com/MetricWise/vtwsclib-objc">https://github.com/MetricWise/vtwsclib-objc</a><br>
Objective C client library for vtiger CRM web services<br></div>