Hello.<br><br>I think this question was posted before.<br><br>Now, i'm implementing Vtiger to a small call center, so, it's dynamics is that, is necessary to manage the customers of customer, so, the call center sell many things and the customer give it a list with potential buyers that the team will buy.<br>
<br>The solution what i think is a new module that manage that list and maintain the Contacts and accounts modules.<br><br>Now, i'm questioning if that solution is fine or not necessary. <br><br>So, what do you think?<br>
<br>Thanks<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Cordialmente:<br>Juan Pablo Botero<br>Administrador de Sistemas informáticos<br>Fedora Ambassador for Colombia<div><a href="http://www.jpilldev.net" target="_blank">http://www.jpilldev.net</a><br>