Hi all.<br><br>I'm in the very beginning to make a new module in VTigercrm 5.4.0, reading in internet and documentation i go two ways:<br><br>- Edit the module vtlib/ModuleDir/5.4.0 and replace filenames, var names and so on.<br>
- using vtlib as a library in a script: <br> <i>include_once('vtlib/Vtiger/Module.php');</i><br><br>What is the recommended way to proceed? <br><br>Thanks.<br>-- <br>Cordialmente:<br>Juan Pablo Botero<br>Administrador de Sistemas informáticos<br>
Fedora Ambassador for Colombia<div><a href="http://www.jpilldev.net" target="_blank">http://www.jpilldev.net</a><br></div><br>