Hi William!<div><br></div><div>I'm trying to show different fields for each event type i create. Nicolas suggested me to use JavaScript to hide some fields based on the event type chosen.</div><div>Before i start using JavaScript i decided to make tests on the code. On vtigercrm/Smarty/templates/ActivityEditView.tpl i delete lines 179 and 180. These are the lines where code for location input is. The text box for location still appears for me!</div>
<div><br></div><div>I couldn't understand how smarty works yet and i need that to implement JavaScript on the correct files. I know what i'll do with JavaScript i just don't now where i need to change the fields, I suppose we have to change tpl files but 'till now it didn't work. If you want to follow the same steps i do you could take a look at this. I'm stuck here :(</div>
<div><br></div><div>Thanks!<br><br><div>Nathalia Campreguer França<br>