<div dir="ltr"><div>Hi all,<br></div><div>I want to add an user to vtiger with third-party web application. For example single sign on joomla users and vtiger users. Whene added an user to joomla or vtiger, added to another also. How can I do it? I try to add user in vtiger with vtwsclib - vtiger Web service client Library. BUt it not worked correctly. How can I do it?</div>
<div>also, I try to insert an user from web user registration form to vtiger_users table. but I did'nt know make confirm password bye encrypt_password function. because vtiger user password and confirm_password is different.</div>
<div>It's Force for me. Plz help me,</div><div><br></div><div>Tanx all,</div></div>