I'm trying to convert field vtiger_vendor | category to a picklist field (uitype 15)<br><br>Here is how far I got.<br><br>1. I edited vtiger_fields changing the field from uitype 1 -> uitype 15<br>2. I created the table <b>vtiger_category</b> using the following SQL<br>
<br>CREATE TABLE `vtiger_category` (<br> `categoryid` int(19) NOT NULL auto_increment,<br> `category` varchar(200) collate latin1_german2_ci NOT NULL,<br> `presence` int(1) NOT NULL default '1',<br> `picklist_valueid` int(19) NOT NULL default '0',<br>
PRIMARY KEY (`categoryid`),<br> UNIQUE KEY `category_category_idx` (`category`)<br>) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=18 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_german2_ci AUTO_INCREMENT=18 ;<br><br>3. I created the table <b>vtiger_category_seq</b> using the following SQL<br>
<br>CREATE TABLE `vtiger_category_seq` (<br> `id` int(11) NOT NULL<br>) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_german2_ci;<br><br>The changes seem to be working correctly except I can't use the picklist editor to add the entries and I'm don't understand the schema fully to add them manually. What is the step I'm missing to finish the conversion?<br>
<br>Thanks in advance.<br><br clear="all">-- Stephen Mack<br>Gerente de Ventas y Marketing<br>Escuela Fronteras<br><a href="http://www.eFronteras.com">www.eFronteras.com</a><br>skype: eFronteras.Stephen<br>