Hello everybody,<br><br>First a big huge "THANK YOU" to the vTiger team, this release is a big step forward, so many improvments.. I am now playing with it and I really enjoy!<br><br>I would like to talk about qualifying emails, when I do so, it creates a new contact which contains the corresponding email. The problem is if I receive again an email from the same contact, if I qualify again the email, it will create again the contact as new.<br>
Instead of this behaviour I would like to look up if the email already exists in contact details and if it is the case, just add the email to the contact.<br><br>I had a look in the log and could trace the bahaviour till "insertIntoEntityTable Contacts vtiger_table name vtiger_contactdetails" (method located in crmentity) but so far I cannot find the code between this method and the button "qualify" on the webmail menu.<br>
<br>My question:<br>Does anybody could tell me where to find the code executed when I press "Qualify" button? I can find "add_to_vtiger" method (in webmail.js) but cannot figure out where to go from there.<br>
<br>A little help would be really appreciated.<br><br>Thanks guys and long life to vTiger!<br>Clem<br>