<p>Dear Members,</p><p><br></p><p>We are pleased to announce the release of vtiger 5.0.4. <br></p><p><br></p><p>This release
addresses about 900 issues covering stability, security, UTF-8, other
bug-fixes and a few feature enhancements.</p>
<p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Note for Developers</span>: Some changes have been made in 5.0.4 relating
to the database APIs to address some security and performance issues.</p>
<p>Please see the <span>release notes: </span><a href="http://www.vtiger.com/products/crm/vtigercrm-504-Release-Notes.pdf">http://www.vtiger.com/products/crm/vtigercrm-504-Release-Notes.pdf</a></p>
<p>You can find the downloads at this <span>link</span>: <a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=117522&package_id=266735">http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=117522&package_id=266735</a><br>
<p>Thank you all for your patience and invaluable support to reach this
milestone. It has taken longer than we originally planned,<br>but it was
necessary to achieve our goal of putting out a solid release. One
particular area which consumed a lot of time was <br>the UTF-8 support and
the related migration issues. The release also addresses some critical
security related issues reported by the community.</p>
<p>We welcome your feedback. Please report any issues on <a href="http://trac.vtiger.com">http://trac.vtiger.com</a> or on the <a href="http://forums.vtiger.com">http://forums.vtiger.com</a></p>
<p>The patch to migrate from earlier versions to 5.0.4 will be made available soon.</p>Regards,<br>Prasad<br>vtiger Team<br>