<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html><head><meta content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"></head><body >Hi Aissa,<br><br>Appreciate your valuable feedbacks. <br>Yes we do agree that right now adding a module in vtiger is complex and the core api should be stabilized. We will work on this front, however <br>it will take a considerable amout of time to accomplish this. <br><br>Regarding tabdata.php, parenttabdata.php and user_privileges/* files:<br><br>In vtigerCRM, for each click lot of common queries are fired to the db to get the header data and security data. This is eating up performance. So <br>for all the data that are very frequently queried, we are writing those in flat files so that retreival is much much faster. <br><br>Regarding the plugins and language-support it will help us a lot if you can add all issues faced by you in the trac so that we can prioritize and fix them<br>at the earliest.<br><br>Thanks & Regards,<br>Don <br><br><br><br>---- On Wed, 27 Sep 2006 Aïssa <webmaster@vtigerfacile.com> wrote ---- <br><br>Hello Richie,<br>I think :<br>Simplify vtiger developpement, to much complex to create module<br>Stabilize core api : too much bugs in 5.0<br>Remove tabdata.php, parentatbdata.php, user_privileges/*.php all this <br>informations are on the database, thooses files have no sense<br>Improve the plug-ins, the best way to break my vtiger crm is to use <br>outlook plug-in.<br>Improve lang support, too much bugs by default,<br><br><br>I think the first & second point are the most important.<br>I know your effort.<br>This is my first felling.<br>Aïssa<br><br>Richie a écrit :<br>> Hello!<br>><br>> I would like to get your views on what else can be done to make vtiger product and community<br>> better. <br>> I am sure you will be having different views as you are looking into vtiger than looking out as me.<br>> That, is a significant difference by my mind.<br>><br>> Looking forward to your views,<br>> Richie<br>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>><br>> _______________________________________________<br>> Get started with Online collaboration office & productivity tools - http://zoho.com?vt <br><br>_______________________________________________<br>Get started with Online collaboration office & productivity tools - http://zoho.com?vt <br></body></html>