<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html><head><meta content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"></head><body ><br>Hi all,<br><br>Thanks for all your valuable feedbacks and suggestions.<br><br>From looking into your inputs we also feel the maintaining a separate 5.1 branch is unnecessary and will be<br>cumbersome. So we will be doing the feature additions for 5.1 in the top of the trunk. <br><br>We will have only the 5.0.1 branch for bug fixing. All fixing done in this branch will also be merged in the top of th trunk.<br><br>Kindly let us know your opinions on this.<br><br>Thanks,<br>Don<br><br> <br><br><br>---- On Tue, 19 Sep 2006 Jens Hamisch <jens@strawberry.com> wrote ---- <br><br>Hi,<br><br>I've got some experience with large software development<br>projects which all had two things in common:<br><br> * A hughe number of developers<br> * At least more than one 'official' release handed over<br> to customers.<br><br>Thus a version management was obligatory for all of those<br>projects. The systems used were varying from one project<br>to another: SCCS, RCS, CVS, ClearCase, ...<br><br>All of thoses systems had their pro's and con's. The common<br>things were the ability to branch, merge and tag versions.<br>In summary I've learned the following from all of those<br>projects:<br><br> 1. Try to keep a single line of development<br> 2. Branch if you *MUST*<br> 3. Tag if you *CAN*<br><br>Tagging is helpfull to define 'milestones' during an ongoing<br>development (e.g. assignment of symbolic names for all <br>source files versions that form a well defined development<br>step).<br><br>Branching should either take place at the time when at least<br>2 major versions are out (e.g. delivered to customers) and<br>need o be maintained or if different requirements for the<br>product forces a split off of the development tree.<br><br><br>For vtiger I do not see any need to split the development tree<br>at the moment. However, the 5.0 is out and needs to be maintained<br>while the next version is being developed.<br><br>Therefor I'd strongly suggest to<br><br> * Do bugfixing for the 5.0 version in the 5.0.1 branch<br> * Keep the current development in the trunk line.<br><br>Kind regards<br>Jens<br><br>On Tue, Sep 19, 2006 at 12:25:02PM -0400, Jeff Kowalczyk wrote:<br>> Sergio A. Kessler wrote:<br>> > I think this is wrong.<br>> > I can understand (not agree) to create a 5.0.1 branch. but why you need<br>> > to create a 5.1 branch at all ??? 5.1 development should be done in the<br>> > trunk... branching 5.1 the only thing will do is complicate things...<br>> > remember KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid)<br>> <br>> I was going to complement Richie on the right branching naming, etc,<br>> procedure...<br>> <br>> The timing of branching is equally important, however, and I think it's<br>> too soon.<br>> <br>> We're going to have to decide (and document, and enforce) among the<br>> 'stable trunk' vs other development models.<br>> <br>> We need to decide where new features get developed, and under what<br>> conditions they get merged back to the 'trunk' or branch, as policy<br>> decides.<br>> <br>> Everyone discussing this should read:<br>> <br>> http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.branchmerge.using.html<br>> <br>> with 'copies are cheap in subversion' in mind. Branches are easy, and the<br>> numerous variety of branches (e.g for feature development) should be<br>> short-lived (e.g. merge back to trunk or branch, then delete/move branch).<br>> <br>> Maintaining multiple long-lived branches is labor intensive, and might<br>> only be undertaken to support long-term maintenance goals, on branches<br>> that rarely want to merge changes from 'upstream'.<br>> <br>> <br>> _______________________________________________<br>> Get started with creating presentations online - http://zohoshow.com?vt <br><br>-- <br><br>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br> /<br> +##+|##+ STRAWBERRY Jens Hamisch<br>+v#+v v##+ EDV-Systeme GmbH Managing director<br>/ v v\v<br>| . . . | Waldeckstr. 9a Car (Voice): (+49 172) 81 04 162<br>| . | D-82515 Wolfratshausen Voice: (+49 8171) 41805-0<br> | . | Fax: (+49 8171) 41805-59<br> \ . / Tel.: (+49 8171) 41805-0 Email: jens@Strawberry.COM<br> \____/ Strawberry@Strawberry.COM <br><br>_______________________________________________<br>Get started with creating presentations online - http://zohoshow.com?vt <br></body></html>