<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html><head><meta content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"></head><body >Hi Denis Grant,<br><br>The patches given by you has been integrated in vtigercrm main trunk in svn.<br><br>Regards<br>Philip<br><br>Dennis Grant wrote:<br><br>>Another patch against RC1<br>><br>>This one is to disambiguate between PART NUMBER (really 'product code'<br>>which is confusing to users as 'code' usually implies categories, not<br>>specifics) MANUFACTURER PART NUMBER (the part number from the people who<br>>make it) and VENDOR PART NUMBER (the part number of the people who sell<br>>it to you)<br>><br>>If a given Product is a Foo, made by FooTech, and distributed by Gadget<br>>Wholesalers, you might have this:<br>><br>>Mfr_part_no: FOO-0001<br>>Vendor_part_number: FT-FOO-001<br>>Part Number: 100-0001<br>><br>>This patch disambiguates these relationships by renaming Product Code's<br>>display text to "Part Number" (remains 'productcode' in the DB) and<br>>explicitly specifying "Manufacturer Part No" and "Vendor Par No" as the<br>>display names for mft_part_no and vendor_part_no, respectively.<br>><br>>Share and Enjoy!<br>><br>>And again I'll ask - who is the point of contact for getting these<br>>patches incorporated into the subversion tree?<br>><br>>DG<br>><br></body></html>