<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html><head><meta content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"></head><body ><br>Hi Team,<br> We have planned to qualify an incoming mail into vtigerCRM in the following ways.<br><br>Case 1:<br> If the mail comes from a lead of a Campign, on Qualyfing the mail the corresponding Lead will be converted to a contact related with the campaign. We will trace the conversion ratio of leads to contacts on a per campaign basis to judge the effectiviness of a Campaign.<br><br>Case 2:<br> If the mail comes from a Contact of a Campign on Qualyfing the mail the mail will be added and related to that Contact. <br><br>Case 3:(Already available )<br> If the mail comes from a Contact which is not related to any of the campaigns, on
Qualyfing the mail will be added and related to that Contact. <br>
<br>Case 4:(Already available )<br>
If the mail comes from a undefined user on qualifying we will create a new contact and we will associate the email to the newly created contact. We will track this.<br>
<br><br><font color="#cccccc">
Jeri John.<br>------------------------------------------
<br>D.Jeri John
<br>Skype: jerijohn_vtiger
<br>Toll Free: +1 877 788 4437</font>