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Hi All,<br>
This mail is to explain how campaign related with contacts/leads/potentials in vtigerCRM. <br>
Currently in vtigerCRM, If we
create a campaign we can relate it with a product, contacts,
leads,potentials and tasks. While creating campaign, we can relate it
with new contact/lead/potential or already existing contact/lead.
In order to maintain the campaign relation with contact/lead/potential,
we have a field called <span style="font-weight: bold;">Campaign Source</span>
in Leads/Contacts/Potentials createview. So that it is easier to track info, from
which campaign source we got the lead/contact/potential while creating them.<br>
Type of relation between campaign and contact/lead/potential is <span style="font-weight: bold;">1 to n</span>.
ie., A campaign can have multiple contacts/leads/potentials. But
the type of relation between contact/lead/potential
and campaign is <span style="font-weight: bold;">1 to 1</span>.
ie., A contact/lead/potential can have only one campaign. So when
doing convertlead operation Leads Campaign Source is converted to
Contacts/Potentials Campaign Source. This is the reltionship between
campaign and contacts/leads/potentials.<br>
Kindly give your feedbacks and ideas to improve campaign related list functionality.<br>
Thanks & Regards,<br>