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Dear Team,<BR><BR>From v5 RC1 onwards we will be providing <STRONG>Tax Selection </STRONG>option for Quotes, Orders, and Invoices and <STRONG>Calculation</STRONG> option in Settings. In this regard, we need your opinion on the following:<BR><BR>1. Tax <SPAN>Percentage</SPAN> is a single value for all modules OR we have to enable Multiple Value Pick list. For example, Service tax is just 11 percentage or we have to provide pick list value with 10, 11, 12, and so forth, which can be configurable by the end users.<BR><BR>2. Is it OK, we provide only VAT, Service Tax, and Sales Tax OR make it fully configurable, so that users can add additional taxes according to their country Tax laws. I am aware of that VAT word itself differes in various countries.<BR><BR><SPAN>Aissa</SPAN>, <SPAN>Balduin</SPAN>, <SPAN>Dino</SPAN>, Graham, and other International community: Please feel free to post your suggestions on various taxes <SPAN>existing</SPAN> in your countries.<BR><BR>I will post a couple of <SPAN>screenshots</SPAN> in another two to three hrs time.<BR><BR>Regards,<BR><SPAN>Gopal</SPAN><BR><BR>---<BR><SPAN>S.S.G.Gopal</SPAN> <BR><SPAN>skype</SPAN>: <SPAN>sripadag</SPAN> <BR><SPAN>ph</SPAN>: +1 877 788 4437 <BR><SPAN>blog</SPAN>: <SPAN>http</SPAN>://<SPAN>gopal.vtiger.com</SPAN></body></html>