<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html><head><meta content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"></head><body >Hi,<br><br>After much delay vtigercrm 4.2.4 has been released.<br><br>This is the first community driven release, so a big thanks goes out to all the people involved in making this happen. Our Special Thanks to MFedy K and Allan Bush. <br><br>This is mostly a bug fix release, but it does mark the first release using the new SVN/Trac system which helps us harness the power of the community contributions and track issues and their fixes so everyone can help out. The trac system can be seen here: http://vtiger.fosslabs.com<br><br>A list of fixed bugs can be seen using the trac ticket system here:<br>http://vtiger.fosslabs.com/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/query?status=closed&milestone=4.2.4&order=priority<br><br>A full changelog can be seen trough the trac svn log here:<br>http://vtiger.fosslabs.com/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/log/vtigercrm/tags/vtigercrm-4.2.4?action=stop_on_copy&rev=6885&stop_rev=&mode=follow_copy&verbose=on<br><br>vtigercrm 4.2.4 can be downloaded here:<br><br>http://www.vtiger.com/download/vtigercrm-4.2.4.exe<br>http://www.vtiger.com/download/vtigercrm-4.2.4.bin<br>http://www.vtiger.com/download/vtigercrm-4.2.4.tar.gz<br>http://www.vtiger.com/download/vtigercrm-phpdocs-4.2.4.zip<br><br>For a new installation simply extract the files into a directory accessible through your apache setup then point your web browser to that directory on your website and follow the installation instructions. Software you'll require is apache (1.3.x or 2.x) with php (4.3+, no 5.x support yet) and mysql (4.x).<br><br>You can post any issues or suggestions at http://vtiger.fosslabs.com/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/newticket <br><br><br>UPGRADING<br><br>If you are upgrading from a previous version of vtigercrm first backup all data then follow the instructions for the appropriate version below:<br><br>4.2.3:<br>        - No database changes are need if you are using a seccessfull installation.<br>        - If tables were only partially created for you using an earlier version please wipe your database and try with 4.2.4, your problems should be solved.<br>        - To save your current configuration copy the config.php file from your old installation to config.inc.php in the new installation. You'll also have to edit the config file as follows:<br>        - change the following variable names in config.php<br><br>                from:<br>                        $dbconfig['db_host_name'] =<br>                        $dbconfig['db_user_name'] =<br><br>                to:<br>                        $dbconfig['db_hostname'] =<br>                        $dbconfig['db_username'] =<br><br>        - If your 4.2.3 installation has previously been upgraded from an earlier release there is one database modification missed in pervious upgrades you will want to make manually:<br>                alter table wordtemplates drop primary key;<br>                alter table wordtemplates change filename filename varchar(100) not null;<br>                alter table wordtemplates add column templateid integer(19) primary key;<br><br><br>4.2.2 (aka 4.2 patch2):<br>        - Apply the 4.2.3 patch as per: http://forums.vtiger.com/viewtopic.php?t=4166<br>        - Then follow the instructions for a 4.2.3 upgrade.<br><br><br>4.2.1 or 4.2:<br>        - Apply the 4.2.2 patch as per: http://forums.vtiger.com/viewtopic.php?t=2903<br>        - Then follow the instructions for a 4.2.2 upgrade.<br> <br><br>Philip</body></html>