<span class="gen">I got extremely important question about JpGraph license.
VtigerCRM contains JpGraph library and in vtigercrm-4.2.4rc2 version
there is only COPYING.txt file that says that JpGraph is on QPL 1.0
While it's true but only partially. Because on <a href="http://www.aditus.nu/jpgraph" target="_blank" class="postlink">http://www.aditus.nu/jpgraph</a>
we can read that:
<br>"JpGraph is released under a dual license. QPL 1.0 (Qt Free
Licensee) For non-commercial, open-source or educational use and
JpGraph Professional License for commercial use."
<br>So while propably some VtigerCRM users will use this software for
fun, we need to be honest and we all know that VtigerCRM is software
designed specifically for commercial usage.
Then anyone that uses VtigerCRM commercially violates JpGraph license.
<br>Please comment this. And if some VtigerCRM developers could say what to do with this issue? Simple remove JpGraph or maybe add an option to config.inc.php that could allow to turn on and off this library. What is your opinion?