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<font size="-1"><font face="Verdana">Team,<br>
We are updating the home page UI as well. This will be called <b>At a
Glance</b>. More or less similar to compact report/list view of major
modules. All the Top 10 lists will now become Top X (where x = 10, 20,
50, 100 and All). This UI uses the same dashboard approach and thus
eliminates the number of scrolls to reach a particular Top X module. To
facilitate viewing all Top X lists the "Show All Modules" has been
given, which will display all Top X modules one by one (like the
dashboard). To add some visual appeal, we have included spiral bindings
to the right. <br>
Each module will have a "Make as default view" link to the right of
page heading. When clicked, the current module will be set as the
default landing tab when the home page is viewed. Thus sales people can
select their fav module to be seen first, marketing people can select
their fav module and so, the others. <br>
<img alt="" src="cid:part1.00060302.01010608@vtiger.com" height="768"