[Vtigercrm-developers] role based picklists... does it make sense?

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Thu Sep 8 20:07:25 GMT 2022

There have been quite a few issues with the way they are handled in the UI:


On 08/09/2022 17:33, Rubén A. Estrada Orozco wrote:
> In Vtiger you have the special field "Role based picklist", in which you 
> can specify, based on roles, what user can see or use what picklist values.
> HOWEVER, if a user edits a record in which one of those picklists has a 
> value that the user does not have access to, then saves the record 
> without having touched said field, then the field will be updated with 
> an empty value.
> Does that make any sense?
> Personally I would expect that, if the user didn't touch the field, it 
> would keep its original value.
> Saludos
> Rubén
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