[Vtigercrm-developers] Show Service instead Product as default in Inventory Entry in VT7

Rubén A. Estrada Orozco rulotec1 at gmail.com
Tue May 24 16:03:12 GMT 2022

I know it's a bit late since the question was asked, but here's an answer.

There are basically 2 options:

1) If you don't use the Products module at all, just disable it and
Services will be the default.

2) If you do use Products, then go to
layouts/v7/modules/Inventory/partials/LineItemsContent.tpl and around
line 88, you'll find something like:

{elseif $entityType eq '' and $PRODUCT_ACTIVE eq 'true'}

<span class="lineItemPopup cursorPointer"
data-popup="ProductsPopup" title="{vtranslate('Products',$MODULE)}"
$entityType eq '' and $SERVICE_ACTIVE eq 'true'}

<span class="lineItemPopup cursorPointer"
data-popup="ServicesPopup" title="{vtranslate('Services',$MODULE)}"

just switch the elseif statements, so that services is the default.



On Tue, Oct 2, 2018 at 10:45 AM Alexander Allen <alexander.allenz at gmail.com>

> Hello All.
> I have products and service modules activated in my instance but I want to
> have service as default in entry for invoice, quotes, etc.
> I achieve this in vtiger 6 but dont find the way to do this in vtiger 7.
> Could some one please guide me how to achieve this.
> Thank you.
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