[Vtigercrm-developers] vtiger current status and call to action

Angelo Paglialonga info at angelopaglialonga.com
Sat Nov 27 08:17:57 GMT 2021

Hi Alan , I think vtiger makes money from the marketplace and from partners, every other crm uses partner subscriptions to grow their platform , the difference is vtiger chose to split their platform instead of forking the same root. 

I prefer a more democratic approach , so that multiple developers are able to merge requests otherwise requests could be refused arbitrarily by one dev potentially for commercial reasons , it’s more wise in my opinion to have an open approach. 
What do you think @all?


Angelo Paglialonga
Consulente per soluzioni CRM ad alto ROI.

Telefono: 3386077866
Skype: angelo.paglialonga
Web: https://www.angelopaglialonga.com

> Il giorno 26 nov 2021, alle ore 11:33, Alan Lord <alanslists at gmail.com> ha scritto:
> On 25/11/2021 19:48, Rubén A. Estrada Orozco wrote:
>> sorry, I didn't mean to upset anybody. I was just giving an honest opinion which (I think) totally relates to the thread. But it's ok, I won't insist.
>> I don't think allowing everybody to merge fixes is a good idea. Maybe 1 or 2 volunteers would be a good idea. That person should be knowledgeable and experienced in Vtiger. I would think of Alan Lord for example. But he would need to be willing to do it, which I'm not sure about, since that can take quite some time.
> lol - I was waiting for my name to crop up :-D
> This question/discussion comes up every couple of years or so.
> My own take is this... I think we all have to remember that vtiger the company doesn't really make any money from the Open Source product. (Perhaps they get some cross platform traffic but I suspect not a huge amount to be honest).
> In terms of activity on code.vtiger.com my *assumption* about what happens is probably that most of the time, they have little time to dedicate to the open source platform, but once in a while there is, and that is when you get lots of merge requests committed and more energy applied toward the next release of the Open Source platform.
> From a personal perspective, my business is almost exclusively vtiger with customers all over the world- the majority of our income comes from developing/extending/integrating the Open Source platform but we also have multiple customers using the Cloud service too.
> I'd be "OK" with having privileges to commit MRs but unless I was to have a good idea about the longer-term strategy for the next release or two I would be quite hesitant to be honest.
> Al
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