[Vtigercrm-developers] A question on efficiency/semantics...

Joe Bordes joe at tsolucio.com
Wed May 5 15:24:37 GMT 2021

Sadly, PHP warning system doesn't work that way:


ini_set('display_errors', 1);

if ($nothere) {
     echo "it is here";
} else {
     echo "it isn't here";



joe at linuxmint:/var/www/coreBOSTest$ php k.php
PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: nothere in /var/www/coreBOSTest/k.php 
on line 5
PHP Stack trace:
PHP   1. {main}() /var/www/coreBOSTest/k.php:0

Notice: Undefined variable: nothere in /var/www/coreBOSTest/k.php on line 5

Call Stack:
     0.0001     393600   1. {main}() /var/www/coreBOSTest/k.php:0

it isn't here


so you get the warning if the variable is not defined which is what you 
are trying to avoid

On 5/5/21 17:04, Sukhdev Mohan wrote:
>>> if ($variableList) {
>> would provide the same result? To me that simple if($var) statement 
>> says, "if $var is not equal to a boolean false, or 0, or null then 
>> continue"...
> Yup, $var = [] is still 0 so it’s a falsy value (love the C based 
> programming languages).
> I’d like to propose, let’s anticipate the rejection instead of nested 
> ifs for the expected values (normally ifs should be used to handle 
> exceptions not for the basic functionalities), like this:
> If(!$var) { // check what will break the code
>     // reject statement and exit routine
> }
> // continue the normal flow
> This would also improve readability as it’s short and you immediately 
> see what can cause a break.
> Best Regards,
> *Sukhdev Mohan* | *Software Developer*
>> Il giorno 5 mag 2021, alle ore 16:14, Alan Lord <alanslists at gmail.com 
>> <mailto:alanslists at gmail.com>> ha scritto:
>> In the fairly recent past there have been a number of minor commits 
>> made which, I guess, are to help prevent php WARNING and/or NOTICE 
>> type messages, e.g.
>> Something like this:
>>> if (count($variableList) > 0) {
>> became this:
>>> if (!empty($variableList) && (count($variableList) > 0)) {
>> But this seem to be overkill...
>> As I understand things simply doing this:
>>> if ($variableList) {
>> would provide the same result? To me that simple if($var) statement 
>> says, "if $var is not equal to a boolean false, or 0, or null then 
>> continue"...
>> count($var) would return an integer if $var is a string, so it is not 
>> a useful explicit test for an array.
>> And from the php manual, empty($var) says "a variable is considered 
>> empty if it does not exist or if its value equals false"
>> Thoughts / Comments?
>> Al
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Un saludo

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