[Vtigercrm-developers] extends Contacts class - new relations

omri yona omri.yona at gmail.com
Thu Jun 17 10:05:15 GMT 2021

Hello all,

I try to do something without  changing the vtiger core. Maybe you have any
My case:
I have a custom module (module name: vulOrg)  with  a relations to the
contacts module so now in the Contacts module I have a new tab to my custom
To support this tab I need to change the contacts core file
1. set new function get_vulorg (like get_emails...) to find my relations
record (can't use the     basic get_related_list or get_dependents_list
2. add flow in unlinkRelationship function

I manage to do what I want by changing the core file, but I don't like core

I would love to get any ideas on how to do it without changing the core.

Thank you for your help,
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