[Vtigercrm-developers] Update Missing Record Sequence

Joe Bordes joe at tsolucio.com
Wed Sep 9 07:55:45 GMT 2020

it can happen on failed imports also, the sequence is updated at the end 
in a batch

On 9/9/20 7:47, nilay khatri wrote:
> If you create a new module with UIType 4 field., the sequence prefix 
> would not be set.
> And quite possible there could be some records that get created 
> without the Sequence being set. Later when you set the sequence, you 
> would like to update the existing records. And so you can use the 
> update existing records option.
> Also, you might like to change the prefix, if you do so you can use 
> the update existing records to update respective prefix.
> Hope that clarifies.
> On Wed, Sep 9, 2020 at 7:36 AM Rubén A. Estrada Orozco 
> <rulotec1 at gmail.com <mailto:rulotec1 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Why would such a field be empty?
>     I didn't look into it, but I would guess uitype 4 is the field
>     that stores the module specific ids like POT1, POT2, ACC1321, etc.
>     Why would they be empty? (other than someone directly modifying
>     the db through queries)
>     Saludos
>     Rubén
>     On Tue, Sep 8, 2020 at 8:02 PM Joe Bordes <joe at tsolucio.com
>     <mailto:joe at tsolucio.com>> wrote:
>         if there is any empty uitype 4 field in the module it will be
>         set with the corresponding sequence
>         On 9/9/20 2:01, Rubén A. Estrada Orozco wrote:
>>         Anybody know what the "Update Missing Record Sequence" button
>>         does?
>>         image.png
>>         Saludos
>>         Rubén
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>         -- 
>         Un saludo
>         Joe
>         TSolucio
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Un saludo

JPL TSolució, S.L. garantiza la confidencialidad de los datos que obran en su poder y según lo estipulado por la LOPD
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