[Vtigercrm-developers] Creating quotes via webservice

Martin Allen martin.allen at clystnet.com
Fri Oct 23 10:36:01 GMT 2020

You're correct, you do need to give it LineItems array, but also a SINGLE
productid - not sure why, but it doesn't appear to be used anywhere. I
always pass the first product/service ID

try this (or similar)

$params = array (
'assigned_user_id' => 'administrator',
'subject' => 'REST salesOrderSubject 6',
'bill_city' => 'Drachten',
'bill_code' => '9205BB',
'bill_country' => 'Netherland',
'bill_pobox' => '',
'bill_state' => '',
'bill_street' => 'schuur 86',
'carrier' => NULL,
'contact_id' => NULL,
'conversion_rate' => '1.000',
'currency_id' => '21x1',
'customerno' => NULL,
'description' => 'Producten in deze verkooporder: 2 X Heart of David -
songbook 2',
'duedate' => '2018-11-06',
'enable_recurring' => '0',
'end_period' => NULL,
'exciseduty' => '0.000',
'invoicestatus' => 'Approved',
'payment_duration' => NULL,
'pending' => NULL,
'potential_id' => NULL,
'productid' => '14x42',
'vtiger_purchaseorder' => NULL,
'quote_id' => NULL,
'recurring_frequency' => NULL,
'salescommission' => '0.000',
'ship_city' => 'schuur 86',
'ship_code' => '9205BB',
'ship_country' => 'Netherlands',
'ship_pobox' => NULL,
'ship_state' => NULL,
'ship_street' => 'Drachten',
'account_id' => '11x37',
'sostatus' => 'Approved',
'start_period' => NULL,
'salesorder_no' => NULL,
'terms_conditions' => 'The payment is expected within 30 days.',
'discount_type_final' => 'percentage', // zero/amount/percentage
'hdnDiscountAmount' => '0.000', // only used if 'discount_type_final' ==
'hdnDiscountPercent' => '20.000', // only used if 'discount_type_final' ==
'pre_tax_total' => '1000.00',
'txtAdjustment' => '25.00',
'hdnS_H_Amount' => '20.00',
'hdnS_H_Percent' => '19',
'shipping_handling_charge' => 0,
'shtax1' => 0, // apply this tax, MUST exist in the application with this
internal taxname
'shtax2' => 0, // apply this tax, MUST exist in the application with this
internal taxname
'shtax3' => 0, // apply this tax, MUST exist in the application with this
internal taxname
'adjustmentType' => 'add', // none/add/deduct
'hdnTaxType' => 'group', // group or individual taxes are obtained from the
'LineItems' => Array(
'0' => Array (
'productid' => '14x42',
'sequence_no' => '1',
'quantity' => '1.000',
'listprice' => '500.00',
'discount_percent' => null,
'discount_amount' => null,
'comment' => 'sample comment product',
'description' => 'product description',
'incrementondel' => '0',
'tax1' => '19.00',
'tax2' => '0.00',
'tax3' => '0.00'


Martin Allen

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On Fri, 23 Oct 2020 at 11:33, Chris Landa <stylesuxx at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have problems creating quotes via web service on vTiger 7.3
> productid is a required field, which does not make sense to me, since I
> want to add multiple products to the quote - I would expect a field with
> Line items here or something similar.
> Anyway, even when adding the productid property a quote is not created.
> Instead I get an empty 200 response.
> What am I missing here?
> This is the element I am passing:
> $quote = array(
>       'subject' => 'Subject 1234',
>       'quotestage' => 'Created',
>       'account_id' => '11x43',
>       'contact_id' => '12x37',
>       'assigned_user_id' => '19x1',
>       'bill_street' => 'Bill street',
>       'ship_street' => 'Bill street',
>       'productid' => '14x39',
> );
> Kind regards,
> Chris
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.vtiger.com/
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