[Vtigercrm-developers] displaytype in fields

Martin Allen martin.allen at clystnet.com
Mon Nov 16 08:53:44 GMT 2020

The names for the display types make sense to me (as Alan said , I can't
think of anything better!)

The UI Types I know about are as follows:

1 = Text
4 = Auto-Increment
5 = Date
7 = Float
7 = Integer - is this correct, same UI Type for Float & Integer??
9 = Percentage
10 = Related
11 = Phone
13 = Email
14 = Time
15 = Role Based Picklist
16 = Non-Role Based Picklist
17 = URL
19 = Text Area (Full Width)
21 = Text Area (Half Width)
33 = Multi Select Combo
52 = ?? (Only seen with Last Modified By fields)
53 = User Select (Assigned To)
56 = Checkbox
70 = DateTime (must be displaytype = 2 as there is no 'Edit' UI for this)
71 = Currency
85 = Skype

Martin Allen

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On Fri, 13 Nov 2020 at 17:13, Rubén A. Estrada Orozco <rulotec1 at gmail.com>

> Thanks Uma!
> I would like to have more input about the names I chose. Martin, since you
> provided the different displaytype meanings, it would be great to have your
> opinion.
> Also, could someone post the list of uitypes meanings? so we can add those
> ones as well.
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