[Vtigercrm-developers] date format dd.mm.yyyy

Ing. Matus Sopko sopko at its4you.sk
Tue Nov 3 09:42:35 GMT 2020

We are back to the question about Vtiger version.
I think there is a clear 7.3 version without hotfix.
But yes who knows ;-)

S pozdravom / Best regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ing. Matus SOPKO

IT-Solutions4You s.r.o.
Kancelária: Slovenská 69
Sídlo: Frantiskanske nam.5
080 01 Prešov
Tel./ Fax +421/ 51/ 7732370
email: sopko at its4you.sk
skype: matussopko

Dňa 3. 11. 2020 o 2:27 Rubén A. Estrada Orozco napísal(a):
> Hi, anybody having problems with date format dd.mm.yyyy ?
> If I set that date format in the user's settings:
> image.png
> I still get dd-mm-yyyy:
> image.png
> I tested it on demo.vtiger.com <http://demo.vtiger.com>
> Uma, I have a related question. How often/when do you update the demo? 
> can we trust it to have at least the day-before commits?
> Saludos
> Rubén
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.vtiger.com/

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