[Vtigercrm-developers] Add upload file to Task

Sukhdev Mohan s.mohan at myti.it
Wed Feb 26 10:51:39 GMT 2020

Hi alan,

Use case is as follows: the sales person need to add documents (PDF or Images) while adding tasks, that’s why we discarded the relationship with documents. How can I do?

Best Regards,
Sukhdev Mohan
Cel. (+39) 320 7020345
Email s.mohan at myti.it

> Il giorno 26 feb 2020, alle ore 11:34, Alan Lord <alanslists at gmail.com> ha scritto:
> On 26/02/2020 09:52, Sukhdev Mohan wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I need to create an upload for Task module. I’ve used the following code to add the field with UI type 69
>> But I’m displaying an inout box instead of the input type file. How can I achieve it?
> It isn't exactly trivial.
> You'll need to examine how either the Documents module deals with it (See the Documents class file and it's save_module method which overrides CRMEntity; there is code in CRMEntity which makes UIType 69 save as setype "Image Attachment". (See Contacts and Products modules)
> You might also want to look at UIType 61 which is used in ModComments and Emails, depending on what you really need to do.
> You might find it easier to simply add Project Tasks as a relation to the Documents module...
> Al
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