[Vtigercrm-developers] Correct way to all permitted entity modules?

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Tue Feb 18 11:00:38 GMT 2020

In a custom module I am developing I want to get a list of all permitted 
entity modules for the current_user.

Using vtws_listtypes and filtering on types with isEntity = 1 is a bit 
rubbish to be honest:

     [0] => Campaigns
     [1] => Invoice
     [2] => SalesOrder
     [3] => PurchaseOrder
     [4] => Quotes
     [5] => Faq
     [6] => Vendors
     [7] => PriceBooks
     [8] => Calendar
     [9] => Leads
     [10] => Accounts
     [11] => Contacts
     [12] => Potentials
     [13] => Products
     [14] => Documents
     [15] => Emails
     [16] => HelpDesk
     [17] => Events
     [18] => Users
     [19] => Services
     [20] => PBXManager
     [21] => ServiceContracts
     [22] => SMSNotifier
     [23] => ModComments
     [24] => ProjectMilestone
     [25] => ProjectTask
     [26] => Project
     [27] => Assets

PriceBooks, Emails, Users. PBXManager, SMSNotifier and ModComments 
shouldn't really be in my list. Obviously I can hardcode to remove 
these, but, for example if another custom module was installed which was 
an Entity type but not really a "normal" module it would also be in this 
list which is not really what I am looking for.

In the Vtiger_Module_Model the method getSearchableModules() appears to 
be much closer to what I want but this is not available via the server 


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