[Vtigercrm-developers] Extend getInstanceById()?

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Thu Dec 10 12:28:01 GMT 2020

In a custom module I would like to extend the Record Model's 
getInstanceById() method.

I have a routine I would like run which is a bit like a constructor, but 
because of the way the getInstanceById works, I can't use a constructor 
because the object is instantiated without a recordId - which I need. 
This happens after the object has been instantiated...

> 	public static function getInstanceById($recordId, $module=null) {
>	$instance = new $modelClassName();
>	return $instance->setData($focus->column_fields)->set('id',$recordId)->setModuleFromInstance($module)->setEntity($focus);

So in my custom Record Model have tried doing something like...

> 	public static function getInstanceById($recordId, $module=null) {
> 	    $instance = parent::getInstanceById($recordId, $module=null);
> 	    $instance->validateConfig();
> 	    return $instance;
> 	}

But of course, because the "normal" way to call this method, wherever 
you are in Vtiger, is to call 
"Vtiger_Record_Model::getInstanceById(...)" then my extended method is 
never actually called.

So to make use of my extended method, I have to use 
"MyCustom_Record_Model::getInstanceById(...)" explicitly to achieve the 
required result.

Is this design choice deliberate? Is there another way?



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