[Vtigercrm-developers] Workflow Designer

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Thu Apr 9 08:28:48 GMT 2020

Although I do not believe this applies to Stefan's extension, this is 
another very good reason to reject extensions and custom modules that 
use code-encryption technology such as ioncube...

Another vtiger developer would be able to work on and patch 3rd party 
modules if the code is not obfuscated...

Although I understand why some companies use it, I bloody hate ioncube.



On 09/04/2020 08:56, Somsak Artwawoot wrote:
> Sutharsan, even it is independent developer, I believe here is the only 
> place to rise awareness.
> Extension what cost 700 Euro and have no support.
> Stefan Warnat as a vtiger developer have done pretty a lot. So maybe 
> that is something else, but laziness or abandoning?
> Maybe someone here got answer?

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