[Vtigercrm-developers] How to use server api to get information about assigned user, like their name?

Sutharsan J ajstharsan at gmail.com
Sun Apr 5 09:45:18 GMT 2020

Hi Nilay

You can use multiple queries for each reference field returned from main
module response.  If you want to know how to write a custom web service
method check below steps

   1.  Add New file under "Include/Webservices/". Example if new method
   name is "retrieveproduct", file name should be RetrievProduct.php
   2. Add function"vtws_retrieveproduct" under above file and write
   required code
   3. Add a record in table vtiger_ws_operations and update sequence at
   4. Also add parameters in table vtiger_ws_operation_parameters. Example

>    *INSERT INTO `vtiger_ws_operation` (`operationid`, `name`,
>    `handler_path`, `handler_method`, `type`, `prelogin`) VALUES ('34',
>    'retrieve', 'include/Webservices/Retrieve.php', 'vtws_retrieve', 'GET',
>    '0');*
>    *UPDATE `vtiger_ws_operation_seq` SET `id` = '34' WHERE `id` = '33';*
>    *INSERT INTO `vtiger_ws_operation_parameters` (`operationid`, `name`,
>    `type`, `sequence`) VALUES ('34', 'id', 'String', '1'; *

   5. *To enable mobile api, add a similiar file and function under
   "modules/Mobile/api/ws". Example "FetchProduct.php".*
   6. *Add the class like "Mobile_WS_FetchProduct" 5. Add an entry of above
   class under "modules/Mobile/api.php". Example 'fetchRecordsWithGrouping' =>
   array('file' => '/api/ws/FetchRecordsWithGrouping.php', 'class' =>

below is a custom web service function which get all module language strings

Sutharsan Jeganathan

On Sat, Apr 4, 2020 at 4:31 PM nilay khatri <nilay.spartan at gmail.com> wrote:

> Oh sorry, I replied too fast.
> You have asked to get the user's info base don the assigned user id.
> While resolving this for automateCRM, we though about 3 approaches:
> 1. add another parameter to operations such as retrieve, query, if set as
> true, then it also returns the related record's (reference/owner) data as a
> sub array. For users and groups it returns only basic info like name,role,
> calendar settings etc.
> - This might cause some performance issues if you have many reference
> fields
> 2. for all reference and owner fields always return the display value
> along with the record id.
> - good approach if you need only display labels. But might cause
> compatibility issues with existing apps consuming the existing rest api.
> 3. implement another webservice operation which would return basic info of
> all the accessible users/group to the currently logged in user.
> - might cause issues if you are caching the fetched data, as the
> accessible users/group can change anytime. But, still you need to make
> separate calls to fetch label values for reference fields and the custom
> api anyways
> On Sat, Apr 4, 2020 at 3:56 PM nilay khatri <nilay.spartan at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Alan,
>> We have implemented me api for the same.
>> I guess I have a merge request on git as well for the same.
>> Will share more details in sometime.
>> On Fri, Apr 3, 2020, 7:50 PM Alan Lord <alanslists at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I'm working on another idea for a module and to work within the rules of
>>> the Marketplace I am trying to use the server API vtws_retrieve to get
>>> information about the assigned_user_id of a record to display in a
>>> different environment. I am using vtws_retrieve to get the data from the
>>> original record, but I can't do the same to get "display" data regarding
>>> the assigned user...
>>> If I try something like:
>>> > vtws_retrieve('19x22', $current_user)
>>> And I am that current user, e.g. id 22, then the call fails with
>>> "Permission to perform the operation is denied"
>>> All I actually want is to get some of the basic data like the display
>>> name (first_name + ' ' + last_name) and maybe their email/phone etc...
>>> But this seems to be not possible.
>>> What is the correct way to do this? I could, or course use a different
>>> user to make these calls i.e. Users::getActiveAdminUser(), but I am not
>>> sure if that would be permitted by the marketplace rules.
>>> PS: Also in many ways, it's a lot easier using things like the record
>>> models as they have built in methods like getDisplayName()...
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> http://www.vtiger.com/
>> _______________________________________________
> http://www.vtiger.com/


*Development Manager Radus28 Software Solution [image: Radus28 Software
Solution] 123, Level 2, Mc Larens Building Baudhaloka Mw. Colombo 04 Sri
Lanka M : +94773795291 E  : sutharsan at radus28.com <sutharsan at radus28.com> W
: www.radus28.com <http://www.radus28.com>*
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