[Vtigercrm-developers] Is there a limit on no of email addresses in Send To: box using email templates?

Joe Bordes joe at tsolucio.com
Sat Apr 4 23:26:07 GMT 2020

Of course there are:

in GET, if the emails are being sent with that

in POST, which is how they should be being sent

in PHP memory limit if they are sent all in the same process and not 
with a queue (which is how it should be sent)

if they are sent in the same process, besides memory limits you can run 
into a large set of different errors that can stop the process or any 
individual email (if the code is written to cater that situation)

and then starts all the really interesting stuff:  email bounces, spam 
filters, exceed mail boxes, rejects...

email sending is a whole world in itself...

On 5/4/20 1:16, TimeZone wrote:
> Hi team,
> Is there a limit on the number of email addresses which can be plugged 
> into the 'To:' box.
> We have found some emails with correct addresses have been recorded as 
> sent, but were not received.
> One list had 10,167 characters.  Not everyone got the email. One email 
> at 6649 characters did not get the email.
> Any comment or assistance is much appreciated.
> -
> *Regards*
> *Bernard G Bailey*
> *TimeZone*
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.vtiger.com/

Un saludo

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