[Vtigercrm-developers] vtiger 7 change value of uitype 10 field + modal window on related contact mouse over

lucia digirolamo l.digirolamo at websonica.net
Tue Oct 15 15:31:18 GMT 2019

In addition to this:

I tried with a "normal" field (not a cf field) and the issue is still 
there, so it happens with all the fields: when you change the fieldname, 
the search keeps working with the name of the field instead of working 
with the custom field

On 15/10/2019 17:23, lucia digirolamo wrote:
> I understood what I did wrong: I changed only the fieldname but 
> naturally if it's a cf_field then also the table name needs to be 
> modified accordingly.
> So I placed the cf table on the tablename and my cf_field in the 
> fieldname column and now I can see the correct field on the record 
> detail view.
> But there is another problem now:
> the search field still works with the name instead of my custom field. 
> So if a contact has the name john doe and a code of 12345, I can see 
> 12345 displayed in the field but when I'm editing the field, I still 
> have to search with the contact name. Is there a way to search using 
> the custom field?
> As it is now, if I search the field with "12345", it returns no 
> results instead of the contact.
> On 09/10/2019 12:58, Alan Lord wrote:
>> On 09/10/2019 11:49, lucia digirolamo wrote:
>>> Thank you very much for the answer and the extension
>>> Regarding the fieldname column: it works with "normal column" but it 
>>> doesn't work with cf_ fields. Is there a way to have it work with cf 
>>> fields as well?
>> I was not aware that it didn't work with custom fields.
>> That would therefore seem to be a bug in vtiger if this is the case. 
>> I would suggest reporting it on code.vtiger.com explaining how to 
>> reproduce the problem. If you can find out where the problem occurs 
>> yourself you can even submit a patch to fix the problem.
>> Al
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