[Vtigercrm-developers] upgrade to 7.2

Rubén A. Estrada Orozco rulotec1 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 14 03:54:50 GMT 2019

Thanks for the tips! I'll try them out in my next migration. Running the
migration scripts from cli sounds attractive.

I hope Uma, ore somebody from VT can comment on why the 701 -> 710 schema
script is run on the 7.1.0 to 7.2.0 migration.



On Wed, Nov 13, 2019 at 1:37 PM Alan Lord <alanslists at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 13/11/2019 19:06, Rubén A. Estrada Orozco wrote:
> > Thanks for the input Alan! It's very helpful.
> > 1. How do you turn on the logs in the case of migrations? I have tried
> > enabling it by setting 'LOG4PHP_DEBUG' => true in config.performance.php
> > without luck :( It has been very frustrating that migration scripts just
> > silently fail and I can't get fatal errors to display.
> You also need to edit the log4php.properties file to enable debug
> logging; change where it says "FATAL" to "DEBUG".
> > 2. How do you run the migration scripts by the command line? I assume
> > running for example php -f 701_to_710.php wouldn't work because of
> > dependencies in the script.
> It's probably not something I would recommend unless you know what you
> are doing or have lots of time to play, test & fail ;-) It's a thing
> I've been working on (on and off) since 2015 according to my git commit
> history ;-)
> Anyway - basically you need to do this:
> Depending on the process (New Installation, or a Migration) you need to
> set the VTIGER_UPGRADE and/or INSTALLATION_MODE constants. You need
> include a few files at the top such as the config.php and the WebbUI.php
> so the class loader works. Then it is helpful, but not essential, to
> edit the scripts so the output is readable on the cli as most of it is
> echoed with html tags such as br, p etc... I also turn on php
> error_reporting as this can be a lot more helpful than the debug logs.
> You also really have to run the scripts as the web-server user because
> they need write access to the vtiger filesystem... I would never
> recommend using a super user account. FWIW on linux I create a
> .bash_alias entry for this
> alias phpwww='sudo -u www-data php'
> so from the command line I just need to type
> # phpwww file-to-run.php
> Hope that helps
> Al
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