[Vtigercrm-developers] Display fileds in module, which are not related to it in vtiger_field

alexh2 a.hubanov at energysystemgroup.com.ua
Fri May 17 11:13:59 GMT 2019

I need to display fields in products from the custom module specifications on
condition: product.productcategory = specification.productcategory. 
And store their value in custom table product_specificatoins_value with

create table vtiger_products_specifications_value
recordid int(25) not null
primary key,
productid int(25) not null,
specificationsid int(25) not null,
specificationsvalue varchar(50) not null,
constraint vtiger_products_specifications_value_ibfk_2
foreign key (productid) references vtiger_products (productid)
on delete cascade,
constraint vtiger_products_specifications_value_ibfk_1
foreign key (specificationsid) references vtiger_specifications
on delete cascade

create index fk_productid_vtiger_specifications_field
on vtiger_products_specifications_value (productid);

create index fk_specificationsid_vtiger_specifications_field
on vtiger_products_specifications_value (specificationsid);

What should i use and where can i find it? Could anyone help me, please?
I think the model sould look something like productcurrencyrel. Any advise?

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