[Vtigercrm-developers] Filter a popup from another popup
nabbenn at yahoo.ca
Fri Feb 8 21:03:33 GMT 2019
Thank you Alan,
Finally, I find a way to retrieve the selected item from the popup.
Here is the solution:
In the Vtiger.js file, locate for the "getPopUpParams function" and add the
following two lines:
1- var (your_variable_name) = jQuery ('input [name = "your popup's name"]',
container) .val ();
2- in the same function, locate for params = {....} and add
'name_of_your_variable': name_of_your_variable,
And in ListView.php, call your variable: $ your_variable_name = $ _POST
That's it!
Thank you again Alan for your cooperation.
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