[Vtigercrm-developers] How to correctly trigger CRMEntity->unlinkRelationship()?

Tony Sandman tonysandman999 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 26 13:41:49 GMT 2018

VT code designers will not answer. They seem to be too busy. Are they?

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 8:30 PM Alan Lord <alanslists at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have two custom modules which are related via the vtiger_crmentityrel
> table in a many-to-many style relationship.
> I've been trying to trace through the vtiger code where the above
> function is ultimately triggered from and what I need to *configure* and
> where so that if I delete a record from either of the two modules, the
> relationship is cleared too?
> The trash() function in CRMEntity fires unlinkDependencies(), but this
> seems to be for many-to-one relationships via UIType 10 fields.
> The DeleteEntity() function in utils.php calls unlinkRelationship(), and
> this is called either by the Unlink action (expectedly) via the
> Vtiger_Relation_Model or from the Webservices/VtigerCRMObject.php class,
> but I do not think this is the right place either.
> So after all this, am I right to think this is something I should take
> care of within a vtiger.entity.afterdelete event and that there isn;t a
> mechanism to get this triggered directly?
> This is vtiger 7.1
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