[Vtigercrm-developers] RecurringInvoice Workflow custom function will not send email.

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Mon Sep 24 18:34:44 GMT 2018

The RecurringInvoice function isn't a workflow - it is a cron (vtiger 
scheduler) triggered job. By the looks of the code it uses "old-style" 
coding which will not fire the vtiger event handler system.

I guess the way I'd probably do it is to modify the 
RecurringInvoice.service so it triggers the vtiger event handler after a 
successful save.

Or perhaps you could modify/override the Inventory module's 
$focus->save() function to take care of it but you need to know if this 
is a automatically generated (recurring) invoice or a manual one so 
you'll probably need to set some kind of "flag" (check box or date field 
or picklist or whatever) so you can make sure you only then run your 
send email function on the right kind of Invoice.

Probably start from the RecurringInvoice.service code (in 
cron/modules/SalesOrder) and work you way from there.

Caveat - I am assuming all of this - I have not checked it properly to 
see if any events are fired when the invoice is generated - enable the 
debug log and see what happens when one is generated by this method first.



On 24/09/18 19:04, brockTM wrote:
> Prasad,
> I haven't heard back from you in awhile. Did you manage to make any progress
> regarding my issue?
> --
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