[Vtigercrm-developers] vtiger Thunderbird Extension

Joe Bordes joe at tsolucio.com
Thu Nov 8 12:58:14 GMT 2018

Sure!  Look for me when you have some time.

On 8/11/18 12:20, Alan Lord wrote:
> Awesome - it works.
> Want to have a chat about moving the auto-update feature and signing 
> so users will get pointed to your repo on github in future (if this is 
> still possible of course - they got a bit bothered about non-mozilla 
> hosted extensions as I recall)?
> Cheers
> Al
> On 08/11/2018 10:09, Joe Bordes wrote:
>> https://discussions.vtiger.com/discussion/comment/1217743
>> FYI
>> On 8/11/18 10:19, Alan Lord wrote:
>>> As some may know - the recent release of Thunderbird 60 has rendered 
>>> the vtiger extension incompatible.
>>> As some may also know I did a fair bit of work on it some years ago.
>>> Mozilla, and Thunderbird specifically, have been in a rather hard 
>>> place to follow for the past few years and it became clear to me 
>>> that for the vtiger TB extension to be maintainable for a reasonable 
>>> period into the future it really needed re-writing from scratch.
>>> This is something I have neither the time nor skill-set to accomplish.
>>> If anyone fancies taking it on, or even just patching the most 
>>> recent release so it is compatible with TB60 then please feel free 
>>> to have a go.
>>> The source code is in the .xpi[1] file, the subversion repo on the 
>>> forge is still there[2] and I cloned that into code.vtiger.com[3] 
>>> sometime ago; but be aware I do not think this is up-to-date with 
>>> the latest 0.512 package on the forge.
>>> If anyone does decide to have a go - I'll need to talk to you about 
>>> how to sign the extension and make it available for automatic 
>>> updates etc... Email me.
>>> Cheers
>>> Al
>>> [1] http://forge.vtiger.com/frs/?group_id=237
>>> [2] http://forge.vtiger.com/scm/?group_id=237
>>> [3] http://code.vtiger.com/lord_alan/vttb3
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>>> http://www.vtiger.com/
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